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Kaapro HR Consultancy in India providing recruitment, staffing, consultancy, outsourcing as well as payroll management

Employee Performance Review: Improve the Process in 5 Major Ways

How well is your current employee performance review working?

Performance Reviews are often seen as a necessary evil. Employees dread them because they fear criticism, while managers dread them because they take too much time and can often be uncomfortable. 

But what if we could change the way we approach performance reviews? What if we could make them a positive experience everyone looks forward to? That’s what we will be exploring in this blog.

What is an Employee Performance Review?

Employee Performance Review

Simply put, an employee performance review is a process where a manager and employee meet to discuss the employee’s job performance, accomplishments, and challenges. 

The review process typically involves setting goals, assessing progress, and providing feedback to improve the employee’s performance. 

Types of Performance Review

Annual or Periodic Performance Review: Typically conducted once or twice a year. It covers an employee’s performance over a set period.

360 Degree Review: It gathers feedback from an employee’s peers, subordinates, and managers.

Self-Evaluation: An evaluation that allows employees to evaluate their performance and provide feedback to their manager.

Project-Based Review: A review focusing on an employee’s performance on a specific project or assignment.

Peer Evaluation: As managers cannot be everywhere, peers within the same department or team evaluate others’ performance.

Types of Performance Review

Why are Performance Reviews Important?

Performance reviews are the secret to unlocking the potential of both employees and the company.

  • Helps employees understand their strengths and weaknesses
  • Provides an opportunity for constructive feedback and growth
  • Helps set and achieve performance goals
  • Provides an opportunity to discuss career development and advancement
  • Helps managers identify high-performing employees and areas where additional support is needed
  • Provides a formal record of performance that can be used for promotions, raises, or disciplinary action if necessary
  • Improves communication and fosters a culture of transparency and accountability

Strategies to Improve the Employee Performance Review Process

Fortunately, there are several strategies that companies can use to improve the performance review process. Here are five major ways:

1. Use a Continuous Feedback System

Instead of waiting for a once-a-year review, companies can use a continuous feedback system to provide ongoing feedback and coaching to employees. According to a study, 80% of employees prefer immediate feedback rather than waiting for annual performance management reviews. 

Set clear expectations and goals, provide regular feedback and coaching, and encourage employees to provide feedback to their managers. Organisations with continuous performance processes are 39% better at attracting top talent and 44% better at retaining talent than other companies. (Betterworks, 2020) 

2. Implement Objective and Standardised Evaluation Criteria

Companies can develop objective and standardised evaluation criteria aligned with their business goals and values to avoid subjective evaluations. It ensures all employees are evaluated based on the same criteria, avoiding personal biases or preferences.

Performance Review

3. Provide Training for Managers

Many managers often struggle with conducting performance evaluations or providing feedback effectively. To address this challenge, companies can train managers on how to conduct performance reviews, give feedback, and set goals. This can help managers to be more effective in their roles and provide more valuable feedback.

4. Incorporate Employee Self-Assessment

Incorporating employee self-assessment into the employee appraisal process can be a valuable way. It encourages employees to take ownership of their performance and identify areas for growth and development. 

5. Align Performance Reviews with Career Development

Companies can align employee performance reviews with career development by using them to discuss career goals and development opportunities. This identifies areas where employees can improve their skills or knowledge, providing support and resources to help them achieve their goals.

How to Prepare for a Performance Review?

Preparing for a performance review process can be the key to getting the most out of the process. Here are some pointers to help you:

1. Reflect on your accomplishments and challenges over the past year

2. Gather feedback from colleagues and other stakeholders

3. Review your job description and performance goals

4. Prepare a list of questions to ask during the review

5. Consider areas where you could improve and develop a plan to address them

By being proactive and prepared, you can ensure that your performance appraisal process is productive and valuable.

Prepare for a Performance Review


Investing time and effort into improving performance reviews benefits individual employees and can potentially drive organizational success in the long run. 

Take the necessary steps to improve your employee performance review process today and reap the benefits of a more engaged and motivated workforce tomorrow.

Don’t settle for a subpar review process – trust Kaapro HR Consultancy in India to help you unlock the full potential of your workforce. Our expert team can streamline and optimise your review process, resulting in better business outcomes. 

Reach out to us today!